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Below are two solutions to your question, the code that you posted asks
for t2['tmp'] when you want t2[tmp]:

t1 = {
  ["a"] = 1,
  ["b"] = 2,
  ["c"] = 3,

t2 = {
  ["x"] = "a",

tmp = t2.x
print(tmp)     --> a
print(t1[tmp])  --> a
print(t1[t2.x])  --> a

 - Jeremy

"Help I suffer from the oxymoron Corporate Security."

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: question about table elements
> From: Ryan Cresawn <>
> Date: Thu, August 10, 2006 9:48 am
> To: Lua list <>
> Lua list,
> I'm having a difficult time accessing table elements and I would
> appreciate some help.  The code below is test code but it behaves the
> same way that my larger program does.
> -- begin example --
> t1 = {
>    ["a"] = 1,
>    ["b"] = 2,
>    ["c"] = 3,
> }
> t2 = {
>    ["x"] = "a",
> }
> tmp = t2.x
> print(tmp)     --> a
> print(t1.tmp)  --> nil
> -- end example --
> How could I achieve the goal of using the value stored in 't2.x' to
> access 't1.a'?  I suspect I'm overlooking something simple and would
> appreciate any advice you may offer.
> Ryan