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- Subject: Re: Using unpack() twice in a single function call
- From: Javier Guerra <javier@...>
- Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 13:56:30 -0500
On Friday 04 August 2006 12:42 pm, Aaron Brown wrote:
> -- Like unpack, but accepts multiple arguments:
> function multunpack(...)
> local ret = {}
> for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
> for _, rec in ipairs(select(i, ...)) do
> ret[#ret + 1] = rec
> end -- _, rec
> end -- i
> return unpack(ret)
> end -- multunpack
it might be interesting to compare the speed of t[#t+1]=exp versus
table.insert (t, exp), since it's in the inner loop a small difference could
be significant.
i guess it should be the same, unless the insert() function uses a different
way to determine the 'end' of the array.... it was a hot topic in the design
of 5.1, i don't remember what was the final decision.
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