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I 'belive' that will work =)

On 5/19/06, mos <> wrote:

> another method which I've not yet done but should work, is to
> create a new thread, create a lua reference to it (using
> lua_ref) then pop it off the stack immediately (so it doesn't
> get buried), and later when you are done with it, destroy the
> reference (lua_unref) and that should allow it to be GC'd

       I dont know how to do and I just try like this:

       lua_State* m_L = lua_newthread(L);
       int refKey = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

       NPC->L = L
       NPC->m_L = m_L
       NPC->refKey = refKey

               if (L)
                       luaL_unref(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,refKey );

       no error occur, but I wonder if it will work as I expect.
