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On May 16, 2006, at 04:49, Vineet Jain wrote:

I need to find out (dynamically) if a certain lua module has some functions and variables defined. I also need to set some module variables (dynamically).
After some googling I came across _G, is this how you can check if a function/variable exists in a lua module? Can you also use this to dynamically assign variables to lua modules?

_G is the current environment.

And as mentioned by Romulo, a module is a table. Lookup the key you are after to check for membership:

local math = require( "math" )

if type( math.abs ) ~= "function" then
    math.abs = function() end

if math.PI == nil then
    math.PI = 3.14159265


PA, Onnay Equitursay