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I'm currently using Swig to wrap a C++ classes that come from several different libraries, each of which has its own namespace.  I'd like to map the module name to namespace library name.  Does Swig -> Lua support this?

I have been successful is getting a single Swig .i file, which includes all the classes together under a single module name, to build, link and work at runtime - but all the different classes are under the same module name.  I have tried the following approach to split the respectively classes into appropriate modules:

1) Creating a single Swig .i with multiple %module names in it, with the appropriate declaration before each so it looks something like:

   %module lib1
      #include <lib1/class1>

   namespace lib1
       class Class1

   %module lib2
      #include <lib2/class2>

   namespace lib2
       class Class2

  While swig ran without reported errors on the .i file, the compiled and linked ok, but everything was
   built as module lib1.

So my next  attempt was:

2.  Created two separate .i files, one for module lib1, and one for module lib2, swig ran cleanly on both, and the compilation of the resulting c++ files was successful, but at link stage I got a

     multiple definition of `SWIG_init_user'

    By hacking the swig autogenerated c++ files to have separate versions of SWIG_init_user I got
    things to compile and link.  However, manually editing files isn't viable, especially considering
    the early stage I'm at, requiring regular rebuilds using swig when I alter the source .i files.

I'd appreciate suggestions/wisdom of how to tackle multiple modules, or whether I should just stick with a single model.

Thanks in advance,