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I've been examining the rather neat hash algorithm+implementation in
lua 5. I have been trying to figure out this line of code in newkey(),
the one that checks whether the mainposition is used or not:

  if (!ttisnil(gval(mp))) {  /* main position is not free? */

In particular, I'm curious why it checks gval(mp) instead of gkey(mp).
In the case that mp _was_ used In this case, the new key will get its
mainposition, but it will re-use the old chain.

A concrete example: assume 8 nodes, and the hash function hash(str) = str[0]

t.a = 1  -- a hashes to node 1
t.q = 1  -- q hashes to node 1; gets node 7. table looks like 1<a,1> -> 7<q,1>
t.i = 1 -- i hashes to node 1; gets node 6. table looks like 1<a,1> ->
6<i,1> -> 7<q,1>
t.i = nil -- table looks like 1<a,1> -> 6<i,nil> -> 7<q,1>
t.f = 6 -- f hashes to node 6. table looks like 1<a,1> -> 6<f,6> -> 7<q,1>

Now keys that hash to 1 and keys that hash to 6 share the same chain.

So, it seems like checking gkey(mp) would keep the chains separate, at
the cost of increasing the amount of re-hashing (moving an item out of
mainposition uses up a free node). Is this in fact the tradeoff that's
being made?
