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I'm building with the .net 2003 version of the ms tools.

1.  you need print.obj and lopcodes.obj
2.  you need to either link luac statically or export the missing
entry points (from the DLL).
I would suggest a static link.

Thanks! A modifed luavs.bat run from outside the src directory for users of .net 2003 (win32):

cl /O2 /W3 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL l*.c
del lua.obj luac.obj
link /DLL /out:lua51.dll l*.obj
lib /out:lua51static.lib l*.obj

cl /O2 /W3 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL lua.c
link /out:lua.exe lua.obj lua51.lib

cl /O2 /W3 /c luac.c print.c
link /out:luac.exe luac.obj print.obj lua51static.lib

(run the vsvars32.bat to setup cmdline paths etc if necessary)

Running lua.exe causes lua51.dll to load. luac.exe instead is statically linked. Note the last link command causes a luac.lib to get produced also, which is 23k compared to the lua51static.lib of almost 500k. The resultant luac.exe is only 155k, so I assume luac.lib is the functionality actually required by luac.exe, and is what gets actually included, though I'm not completely clear about this (sorry, long since brainwashed by IDEs).
