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Ryanne Thomas Dolan write:

>In Lua the problem is not pointers but references to tables.  To fix the
>problem you can either initialize the references manually or in your

>Example = {
>   member1 = "hello world";
>  member2 = {};

>function Example:new (obj)
>   obj = obj or {};
>    obj.member2 = {};  --initialize member table references
As a class, it is well, but if we want to make inheritance,  it has a problem.
function Example:new (obj)
   obj = obj or {};
    obj.member2 = {};  --initialize member table references

NewClass = Example:new()

function NewClass:new (obj)
   obj = obj or {};
    setmetatable(obj, self)

a = NewClass:new()
b = NewClass:new()

a.member2 and b.member2 still have the same reference. of course, we can do that 
function NewClass:new (obj)
   obj = obj or {};
    obj.member2 = {};  --initialize member table references
    setmetatable(obj, self)
Then we must initialize member table references in all the inheritance class, But it make the code ugly! how to resolve it gracefully!
