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> TYPE is defined as "L2.user".

Unless something has changed you can't use dot notation in your libarary
or variable names.

I use __index and __newindex to "catch" object properties __index is
read (or get) and __newindex is write (or set).  Instead they should be
set to the meta-table (as your doing).  My guess (and at this point its
only a guess) is that the dot notation in your table name is throwing
things off.  Try "L2_user" instead of "L2.user" and see what happens.

> The GD binding example code works in 5.1 (the methods work), but they
> don't in my code so there must be something I'm doing differently...
> but what? Reading your Delphi code didn't really help me (I don't have
> a C function for __index, and I couldn't exactly figure out what to do
> instead). Should I open the library in a certain way?
> Anders