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On Tuesday 28 March 2006 1:35 pm, Mildred wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm actually using luafilesystem but I think it would be great to have
> others functions :
> - a recursive flag for mkdir
> - a copy function (which would be able to copy folders)
> - maybe some functions to know if a file exists
> - basename and dirname
> - chmod, chown
> - a way to create named pipes on unix systems (mkfifo)
> Why these functions are missing ?

most of those are obvious from the *nix point of view, but i think 
luafilesystem aims to be platform agnostic.  Luiz has a different module: 
luaPosix, that exports most of the usual *nix C API.

> - addmetatable(object, key, value) : instead of :
> 	local mt = getmetatable(object)
> 	mt[key]=value
> 	setmetatable(object, mt)

i guess that last line can be left out, making the whole routine just:


not much longer than "addmetatable(object, key, value)"


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