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I think I've started to unravel the issue a little bit. It would appear as though the lua_State pointer returned from lua_open, is not the same pointer that gets passed into a function registered with lua_register as I'm getting 2 seperate addresses between them. wrote:

Oddly enough though, in another article it shows the following code:

local thread_id = 0
local threads = {}

function fn(thread)
   thread_id = thread_id + 1
   threads[thread_id] = function()
                            thread = nil

while true do
   local thread = coroutine.create(fn)
   coroutine.resume(thread, thread)

So I'm confused and obviously haven't played with co-routines at all :)

- Jeremy

"Help I suffer from the oxymoron Corporate Security."

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Is this a scoping issue?
From: Lee Smith <>
Date: Thu, March 16, 2006 12:21 pm
To: Lua list <>

I don't believe so. It is created suspended, and I want it to start, but for some reason I can't resume it once it has yielded. wrote:

Shouldn't you be calling yield() instead of resume(co)?

- Jeremy

"Help I suffer from the oxymoron Corporate Security."

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Is this a scoping issue?
From: Lee Smith <>
Date: Thu, March 16, 2006 11:41 am

I'm having some problems with a coroutine I create. Here is the order of things:

I create a lua_State and load 3 files into it, each containing its own function as follows:

In file1:

function init()
  print "init"
  co = coroutine.create(process)

In file2:

function process()
  print "yielding the coroutine"
  print "running again"

In file3:

function callback()
  print "resuming"

Now, when I make a lua_pcall to init, the coroutine starts the process function just like I would expect. Once it yields, I run off and do some stuff in my c code, and then pcall callback to wake the coroutine back up. However the call to resume is failing. Here is my output:

yielding the coroutine
c++ - doing some work
false   cannot resume non-suspended coroutine

Any ideas as to where I've gone wrong?