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In message <> you wrote:

> I'm trying to modify Lua so that a table constructed as:
>   t = { weight = 9, wibble, foo }
> results in a table as:
>   { weight = 9, wibble = true, foo = true }
> I've been playing around with the code in lparser.c, but I'm not having
> much success (this is the first time I've done any hacking on Lua).

> Thanks,
> Andrew Sidwell

Andrew I know this is not exactly what you want, but what about

insertkey = function (t)
      local f
      f = function (k)
             if k then
              t[k] = true
              return f
             end -- if
             end -- function
      return f
      end -- function

mytable = { weight = 9 }
insertkey (mytable) "wibble"  "foo"  (57) "grumpkin" ()

for k,v in pairs(mytable) do
print (k)
Gavin Wraith (
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