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Yep, that was the problem.

Anyway the fix on my end was to remove all the extern "C" stuff.

It now compiles - does it work?  Not sure, need to test.

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 01:00:04 +1100, D Burgess wrote:
>> WIld guess, but:
>>>> I am forcing a C++ compile on both libraries.
>>>> [Linker Error] Unresolved external '_lua_pushstring' referenced
>>>> from
>> The unresolved name is not a C++ mangled name, therefore something
>> is not compiled as C++ and something is (maybe).
>> DB
>> On 1/28/06, Terry Bayne <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Not sure if this is the right place to post this... but it will
>>>> probably do for a start.  Trying to use LuaCOM.  I am using LUA
>>>> 5.0.2.  I am trying to statically link in LuaCOM.
>>>> I've built a static LuaCOM library, using the same options
>>>> (triple checked) as the Lua library I've been using.  I am
>>>> forcing a C++ compile on both libraries.
>>>> When I attempt to link the executable I get a LOT of linker
>>>> errors:
>>>> [Linker Error] Unresolved external '_luaCompat_openlib'
>>>> referenced from
>>>> [Linker Error] Unresolved external '_lua_pushstring' referenced
>>>> [Linker Error] Unresolved external '_luaCompat_moduleCreate'
>>>> referenced from
>>>> ... you get the idea.  Normally this is caused by something
>>>> I've done wrong (usually compile options or missing a #define
>>>> somewhere - but darned if I can figure this one out.
>>>> Any ideas?  Oh, and if it helps, the development environment is
>>>> Borland's C++ Builder 6
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Terry