Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
Translating "U+1234" into a UTF8 sequence is a very small snippet
of code.
Sorry my ignorance, but why is such escape sequences so necessary?
there so many control chars in unicode? (For non-control chars, a
UTF8-aware editor should be able to put the proper enconding
inside the
string, is that right?)
It allows you to add "incidental" characters without the need for a
fully functional editor for that language. For instance, when I
worked for Sony we had the need to add a few characters of Kanji on
occasion. It's not easy to get a Kanji editor setup for a western
keyboard, so adding direct unicode was more convenient. There are
also some oddball symbols in the upper registers for math and
chemistry and such that are easier to add using escapes.
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"As a general rule,don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell"'