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>  I am looking for a set of test scripts that exercise the VM and ensure
>  that  I  ported  everything  correctly.   I have searched the archives
>  extensively,  and it looks like Roberto has (had?) one, but there's no
>  working  links  to  it.   Can  someone please help me?  Many thanks in
>  advance.

You can get the test suite at the following link:

Caveat: those tests are not intended for external use. (e.g., most of
its comments/messages are in Portuguese), so you need some adjustments
to put it to work. To run all tests, I use the following script
(assuming the tests are in a sub-directory "testes" from the current

  export LUA_PATH="?;./?.lua;testes/?.lua"
  export LUA_INIT="wd='testes/'"
  if { lua testes/all; } then 
    echo -e "\n\n    final OK!!!!\n\n"
    echo -e "\n\n    >>>> BICHADO !!!!\n\n"

-- Roberto