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Well at least in one case i found solution. It is the 3) and it is the one discussed here today. lua_number2int isn't working for me because of DirectX. Switching to floats and redefining lua_number2int solves it.

Jan Kratochvil
Illusion softworks, a.s

Jan Kratochvíl wrote:

i am moving to 5.1 alpha and i have some questions/notes about it. Please forgive me if some of it is known from archive and just tell me so. (I didn't find it there but it means nothing :) )

1) When i call lua_resume for the first time (for thread) it returns 1 but stack is empty and coroutine can continue.

2) I used functions like "function print(...) for i=1,arg.n do myclass:show(i) end end" with new syntax i am don't know how to do better then "function print(...) a,b,c,d,e = ... myclass:show(a) AND SO ON"

3) When i do "for i,v in pairs({'a','b'}) do myclass:show(v) end" i got correctly 'a' but then error raises "invalid key for 'next'". Although i can't repeat this behaviour in lua console. So it is probably
some bug in my application, BUT in 5.0 is everything ok.

Thanks for your reactions
Jan Kratochvil
Illusion softworks, a.s.