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In message <> you wrote:

> How does one do the equivalent of
> the following Perl code:
> ($name,$birthyear,$sex) = split();

I use:

-- use as: for i,field in split(text,pat) do ... end
split = function (t,p)
        local pat,n,count,L = "(.-)"..p, 1,0,#t
        local f = function (s,v)
                  local i,j,x = s:find(pat,n)
                  if i then
                    count = count + 1
                    n = j + 1
                    return count,x
                  elseif n < L then
                    count = count + 1
                    x = s:sub(n,-1)
                    n = L + 1
                    return count,x
                  end -- if
                  end -- function
        return f,t,n
        end -- function

so you could do

 pieces = {}
 for i,item in split(text,pattern) do
  pieces[i] = item
 end -- for

The advantage of defining an iterator rather than
a list is that for large numbers of items you have
the option of processing them with constant storage
rather than storage that depends linearly on the
number of items.

Gavin Wraith (
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