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Tomas wrote:

Also, has anyone made a proposal for how you can promote all the members of "a" into the namespace of the module that requires "a"?

    Why don't you inherit the symbols from "a" with something

_M = {}
setmetatable (_M, { __index = a }) -- inherit from "a"
setfenv (1, _M) -- new environment (global table)

    If "a" inherits from the global table you'll get all global
through it!

Ok, I'm liking this. Now I think my only question is whether all functions defined after the setfenv() inherit the same environment. If so, then I think I can make nice isolated objects this way.

Of course, I think I might have to do something a bit more complex with __index, if I want this module to be able to access the real global table as well, right? I would have to make __index a function which first checked in 'a' then in _G. Or maybe I just want to go through and copy each member of 'a' (or some subset) into _M. then I could do:

    setmetatable (_M, { __index = _G })
    ... add some or all of the members of 'a' to _M ...

then I would be able to see everything I need, wouldn't I???

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