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On Monday 08 August 2005 23:11, Glenn Maynard wrote:
> Um, you're aware that Brainfuck is a programming language, right?

Designed to be particularly unpleasant to use. BTW, a lot of people prefer to 
call it BF --- but for the life of me I can't quite work out why...

It is not, however, quite as demented as Malebolge, which despite being proven 
Turing-complete, is so appallingly hard to use that there apparently only 
five known programs. Here is 'Hello World' in Malebolge:


That program was not written by hand, but was instead discovered by using a 
brute-force search of the program space.

"Curses! Foiled by the chilled dairy treats of righteousness!" --- Earthworm 
Jim (evil)

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