Hello, I use a similar solution for sharing data, but instead of : lua_pushlightuserdata( L, &myUDMapKey ); lua_gettable( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );I use a metatable that I have create to insert c_pointer as key and fullUserData as value that gives something like: lua_getmetatable( L, "myKeyMap" ); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, c_pointer); lua_gettable(L,-2) lua_remove(L,-2)Is there a lot of overhead using a metatable instead of the lua_registryindex table? thanx David Mark Hamburg wrote: Technically, this isn't safe. Amongst other things, if the userdata has been collected, this call corrupts the Lua state. That being said, I've written this code (though I later took it out). Someone else also posted essentially the same thing a month or two ago. So, it's clearly an issue that a lot of people encounter. The safe way to do this is to maintain a weak table mapping the userdata pointers as light userdata to the full userdata objects. Pushing then becomes something like the following: lua_pushlightuserdata( L, &myUDMapKey ); lua_gettable( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX ); lua_pushlightuserdata( L, theUserData ); lua_gettable( L, -2 ); lua_remove( L, -2 ); (I used a light userdata rather than an integer to key the registry because it's easier to guarantee unique.) Mark on 7/25/05 5:45 PM, Kriss at Kriss@XIXs.com wrote:I was just thinking about tidying up some code and want to do the following. cache a pointer returned from lua_touserdata() on the C side (I am already doing this anyway) at some point later on, push that userdata onto the stack to be used as a table look up key, I can guarantee that the userdata will not have been GCd at this point. At the moment I am using a unique integer as a table key, but it would be simpler to use the userdata instead. however there is no lua_pushuserdata() Is it safe just to use a modified version of lua_newuserdata() that doesnt allocate any new userdata but takes a previously allocated pointer and pushes it on the stack? EG some untested 5.0 code :) LUA_API void lua_pushuserdata (lua_State *L, void *data) { lua_lock(L); luaC_checkGC(L); setuvalue(L->top, ((Udata *)(data))-1); api_incr_top(L); lua_unlock(L); } or is there some more magic surrounding userdata I should be aware of. |
begin:vcard fn:David HERVIOU n:HERVIOU;David org;quoted-printable:Ecole Nationale d'Ing=C3=A9nieurs de Brest adr;quoted-printable;dom:BP 38;;25, rue Claude Chappe;Plouzan=C3=A9;France;29280 email;internet:herviou@enib.fr title;quoted-printable:Centre Europ=C3=A9en de R=C3=A9alit=C3=A9 Virtuelle tel;work:+33 (0)2 98 05 89 47 tel;fax:+33 (0)2 98 05 89 79 note;quoted-printable:Doctorant En Informatique au laboratoire LISyC (Laboratoire d'Informatiqu= e des Syst=C3=A8mes Complexes) dans le cadre du projet AR=C3=A9Vi. url:http://www.cerv.fr/~herviou version:2.1 end:vcard