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I've been using lua_xmove to allow one lua_State to call functions in another lua_State, but I am concerned that what I am doing is not a legitimate usage of lua.

Here are some more specifics... the two lua_State's involved are not lua "threads", they are two separate states created by two calls to lua_Open/lua_dofile

I do something like this:

lua_getglobal(L, "myfunc"); // on top of stack now resides a function
lua_xmove(L, L2, 1);
lua_pushnumber(L2, 23);
lua_pcall(L2, 0, 0, 0); // call myfunc(2) in L from state L2

It seems to work, but I am concerned that perhaps I am misusing the api and that it only works in certain cases. So my question is: Is this proper usage or is it just luck that it doesnt crash on me?
