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The Package Compatibility (Compat-5.1) is a set of files which provides an
implementation of the new package model of Lua 5.1 to be used in Lua 5.0.
Release 4 follows the implementation of Lua 5.1 work 6 and corrects some
implementation bugs found on Release 3:

* Field _M added to namespace created by function module, referring to the
namespace itself.
* Internal lookup on tables (function getfield) uses rawget instead of
normal indexing.
* Lua-C stack cleanup in function luaL_module/luaL_openlib.

Compat-5.1 is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.0.

For more information on Compat-5.1 please check

Any feedback is welcome!

Tomas Guisasola