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Looking at work6 I found something I disagree.

#define LUA_ROOT	"C:\\Program Files\\Lua51"

That path depends on the SO language and installation.
The "C" drive might not even exist.

I know this is "just" a default search path.
The user should edit luaconf.h and recompile lua to reflect his system.
But it's well known windows users are not compilers by nature :-)

I'm also aware of the policies of package loading: environment variables,
LUA_PATH variable redefinition, etc. But I still think a correct default
search path is important.

The concept of a LUA_ROOT blessed by the lua authors is highly needed for
unix and windows users.
But a reasonable windows solution is a little more difficult to achieve than

My suggestion is not define LUA_ROOT and define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT solely as
