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On 30-Jun-05, at 12:47 PM, Wim Couwenberg wrote:

The compiler makes the following substitutions if nil, false or true
are encountered as *constants*:

        not nil --> true
        not false --> true
        not true --> false

so "not not nil" is directly emitted as "false".  (See the codenot

Also, not 6 is directly emitted as "false" and "not not 6" is directly
emitted as true. (The optimisation is not <any constant other than nil or false>).

On the other hand, "not not <expr>" is replaced by "<expr>", so "not
not (nil and true)" is replaced by "nil and true" which evaluates to
nil.  (See the jumponcond function.)

Not quite true ... it only happens during boolean evaluation. Compare:

> =not not (a + 1)
> =not not (a or 6)

The not not is eliminated in the second case because it's evaluated
in a boolean context, thanks to the "or".

I'd guess that this was an oversight when introducing true and false
in Lua 5?

I guess the oversight, if you like, is the "not not" optimisation.
Of course, the truth value of the expression is correctly computed,
but the statement in the reference manual that it always returns
'true' or 'false' is not 6 :)

On the other hand, I've never really liked that 'not not' idiom.
Coercing to a boolean should never really be necessary imho.

(I hope this explanation is at least somewhat accurate...  :-)  )