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On Wednesday 18 May 2005 7:11 am, Carlos Lorenz wrote:
> > also it might help using a statically linked lua binary. i haven't used
> > it,
> > but the elf statifier ( seems like the
> > appropriate tool
> Javier,
> This may be something to be considered. As I told to Romulo in a private
> email ( because it was in Portuguese ) I suspect that the .deb package I
> have installed in my Linux box at office could have unpacked additional
> files such as libraries. Well I am not sure about it. If this is what

on your box, try:

ldd /usr/bin/lua
(change for your specific path to the lua binary)

it'll tell you what dynamic libraries it needs.  then repeat the same on your 
server.  if you don't have a command line there, just upload a script that 
does the same (after echoing "content-type:text/text" or any headers you 

> happened I may be using a dynamically linked Lua binary at my box and it
> wont fit at ISP provider server unless I put the proper libraries over
> there too. The problem could be solved using a statically linked Lua binary
> but well, once more I guess I am not able to make it :(

the downside of a real static executable is that it might not be able to load 
any Lua module.


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