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    Hello all,

    I managed to compile Lua 5.1 work4 for a 16-bit embedded target, but now I get the message indicated in the subject line everytime I try to run a file (source file) that has a local declaration somewhere inside it. As I'm not a Lua specialist, I have no idea where does this come from. I saw where it is generated in the source (lparser.c), yet I don't know the cause of the problem. The available memory should be a bit more than 320KB ...
    Thank you,


On 4/18/05, Ariel Manzur <> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 11:42:35PM -0400, R. Frazier wrote:
> Does Tolua++ works with unions, because I can't get this to work:

>         float m[4][4];

this is the problem I think.. you can't have arrays of arrays on tolua++.
but you could add an external function as a 'method' to that struct to
access the elements of that array (look up 'tolua_outside' on the manual).

> >It does not work for unions (parser error).
> >union A {
> >  struct a x;
> >  ...
> >};
> >
> >fails.

this is a bug I guess.. I'll try to add a fix on the next release.

