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On Saturday 23 April 2005 2:45 am, PA wrote:
> On Apr 23, 2005, at 00:37, wrote:
> > My current problem is that LuaSocket won't get past "require socket",
> > yet it's in the path per the LuaSocket doc. Nor will Lua itself read
> > LUA_INIT, which mihgt solve the LuaSocket requre problem.
> As mentioned by Diego, lua-5.1-work5 is very much bleeding edge, so you
> need to make some adjustment to LuaSocket to make it work all together.

I'd advice on making it work first with Lua-5.02 (with compat-5.1, of course).

to be frank, i find the path-setting parts a bit confusing too; but after it's 
all setup, it's all easy.

my (personal) solution is to use a small shell script to set up the relevant 
variables and call the lua executable.  that's on my development box; on 
'production' system, i use the default paths and it's not needed at all.


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