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- Subject: Re: Lua fink package (& makefile)
- From: Mike Pall <mikelu-0504@...>
- Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 19:52:03 +0200
Asko Kauppi wrote:
> I was hoping to put these onto the Wiki, but there's no useful (and
> secure) way to place files in there?
What about luaforge? (now that it's back)
> [lua51.info]
> CompileScript: <<
> echo "" >> src/luaconf.h
> echo "#undef LUA_PATH_DEFAULT" >> src/luaconf.h
> echo '#define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT "./?.lua;%p/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;%p/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;%p/share/lua/?.lua;%p/share/lua/?/init.lua"' >> src/luaconf.h
Well I'm not so fond of a cross-version shared directory.
I bet this will lead to more confusion. It's already hard enough
to properly install Lua modules in a portable fashion without
resorting to massive guesswork (in the form of a lengthy configure
Why not just redefine LUA_ROOT? This was my intention when I proposed
the nested defines at the start of luaconf.h. And it would cover
Note: Yes, this works fine -- CPP does lazy evaluation:
$ echo '#define A 1\n#define B A\n#undef A\n#define A 2\nB' | cc -E -P -
> InstallScript: <<
> mkdir -p %i/share/lua
> mkdir -p %i/share/lua/5.1
The C module directories (lib instead of share) should be created, too.