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In-Reply-To: <>
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User-Agent: Messenger-Pro/1.00c (MsgServe/1.00a) (RISC-OS/5.08) POPstar/2.05
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

In message <> you wrote:

> an example where it would be nice (but not essential) is in Xavante:  a 
> handler can generate HTTP response content in three ways:
> 1) setting res.content to a string
> 2) setting res.content to an array of strings
> 3) calling httpd.send_res_data()
> for small responses, option 1) is the easier; for bigger things it's nice to 
> use 2); and for huge, complex things 3) is the only way left.  losing some 
> nice things, like being able to set headers at any time (because the content 
> is sent at the end), and letting Xavante to handle the "Content-Length" 
> header needed to use persistent connections (with big performance gains)
> with a scalable string implementation, usage 2) would be useless, so the 
> choice would be easier.  also, XML results would be easy to generate 
> efficiently, that would make it worthwhile to put the 'X' in SAJAX to good 
> use!

I use ropes for Weave ( which is just
a means of producing HTML, although the same code works for any
sort of markup generation.
Gavin Wraith (
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