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What is the message that is returned?

               int retcode = lua_pcall(ScriptMgr->GetState(), 1, 1, 0);
               if (retcode) {
>>                   const char* msg = lua_tostring(L, -1); 
>>                   if (!msg) msg ="error with no message";
                       string error;
                       error = "ScriptMgr::Execute() -> ";
                       error += "Error running function main(): ";
>>                    error += msg;
                       error += script;
                       throw ScriptError(error, retcode);

Given the message you should be able to source the problem.

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 21:44:55 -0700, Jason Murdick <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am hoping that someone on this list could give me some suggestions
> with a problem I'm having.  I have a singleton in my application that
> contains an Execute() method that will attempt to run the scripts it
> is passed.  First, it attempts to load a module named base.lua which
> contains (among others) a function:
> function Execute(script)
>      local f = loadfile(script)()
>      main()
> end
> Every script file that is called is wrapped in a simple function call
> "function main()" with no arguments.  I'll list the C++ below, but the
> error I keep getting is LUA_ERRRUN and it is not executing the
> function in base.lua.
> bool ScriptHandler::Execute(string script)
> {
>         try
>         {
>                 // load the indicated module
>                 string path;
>                 path = GLOBALS->basepath();
>                 path += "modules\\base.lua";
>                 luaL_loadfile (ScriptMgr->GetState(), path.c_str());
>                 // Execute the script
>                 if (lua_isfunction (ScriptMgr->GetState(), -1))
>                         lua_pcall (ScriptMgr->GetState(), 0, 1, 0);
>                 // push functions and arguments
>                 lua_getglobal(ScriptMgr->GetState(), "execute");
>                 lua_pushstring(ScriptMgr->GetState(), script.c_str());
>                 // do the call (1 arguments, 1 result)
>                 int retcode = lua_pcall(ScriptMgr->GetState(), 1, 1, 0);
>                 if (retcode) {
>                         string error;
>                         error = "ScriptMgr::Execute() -> ";
>                         error += "Error running function main(): ";
>                         error += script;
>                         throw ScriptError(error, retcode);
>                 }
>                 return true;
>         }
>         catch(ScriptError err)
>         {
>                 err.LogError();
>                 return false;
>         }
> }
> My goal is for every single script file in my application to have
> access to the functions in base.lua without having to use "require" or
> "loadlib" or anything of that sort.  At the same time, I would like to
> be able to have a single path through which all scripts are executed,
> since some scripts will likely be written by other individuals at a
> later date. Perhaps someone could review the code below and point me
> in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance for any pointers you may be able to provide.
> Jason Murdick