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On Thursday 10 February 2005 12.58, Philippe Lhoste wrote:
> David Olofson wrote:
> > Well... I just reworked the operator subsystem of EEL (a language 
> > rather similar to Lua in many ways; ) - and 
> > realized it's not quite that simple. :-)
> Just a simple advice: when I hear of a language with an official
> site, I  
> like to first have a look at some simple samples (without having to 
> download the whole package), to get an idea of the syntax.

So do I. :-)

> Indeed, in the case of EEL, the statement "C-like syntax" would be 
> enough, but some samples (beyond the "Hello World!" one, perhaps
> showing  
> some nice features) wouldn't hurt.

Soon... Everything (especially the site and docs) is very much beta, 
and I'm working around the clock on EEL itself and proprietary code 
that uses it. Not much time to work on anything but the actual code.

That said, there are the beginnings of an SDL + network binding in the 
upcoming release. The real reason for it's existence is that we need 
something to "play" with that works on both Linux and Windows 
("graphical console", or something...), but of course, it has the 
side effect of making it a bit easier to hack more interesting 
examples. ;-)

> Indeed, in the case of EEL, the statement "C-like syntax" would be 
> enough, but some samples (beyond the "Hello World!" one, perhaps
> showing some nice features) wouldn't hurt.

Well, a small snippet from one of the test scripts;
x, y = 0, 0;
 print("  This will work, on the second try: ", x / y, "\n");
 print("  Oops! Fixing things and retrying...\n");
 x, y = 42, 2;

That'll have to do for now. Implementation first - world domination 
later. ;-D

> Just thought... Is Lua giving some examples? Well, at least there is
> the  Wiki, and some code snippets in the doc. which is small enough
> for this purpose.

The smaller, the better, actually. Pages and pages of examples is just 
too much if you just want to get a feel for what a language is about, 

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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