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On Feb 08, 2005, at 07:49, Steve Donovan wrote:

That's what a pure Lua implementation would do;  the index
could be plain text, containing the words as indices (or
hashes).   That would certainly be fast enough for
most things - it's a question of scaling and whether
one can afford the memory etc.

Here is a pretty detailed description of Lucene file format:

It gives a good insight in what would be need for "information retrieval".

An interesting wheel to re-implement.


That said, I think that for the moment I will settle for plain "data retrieval" instead (e.g. IR without much scoring to talk about).

My current thinking is to use Luiz's lgdbm bindings to store the textual part of my data. And then perform a simple pattern matching while enumerating through the values. The result being a set of document ids. Pretty lame, but should work for my modest needs of the moment :)


PA, Onnay Equitursay