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> Hi,
> > A question for Diego, I guess. Would you mind changing the
> > filenames io.c and io.h in the LuaSocket distribution?
> > (I renamed them to sockio.* for my own convenience after
> > trying to build LuaFileSystem -- which needs <io.h> under
> > Windows -- and LuaSocket from the same tree.)
> I could do that, but doesn't the " " vs < > difference solve this
> problem automatically?

S'pose so. Except that I wanted a static build, so I ended up with
all the library .c files (LuaThread + LuaSocket + LuaFileSystem)
in /src/lib and all the .h files in /include of my build tree.

So 'gcc -I ../../include ...' turned up your io.h in my /include,
via both < > and " ".