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> We already put the handle in the registry, to avoid its collection.
> Currently the handle is the key, but it could be the value, with
> filename being the key (with an appropriate prefix to avoid name clashes
> in the registry).
In Lua 5.0 I patched loadliv to use the lowercased last component of the
library path(the filename) as the key. This suited *my* needs. Methinks
it is not unreasonable to enforce uniqueness of the filename or the 
entry point name. I believe that MAC entry point names must be
unique in any case.

> > put luaopen_socket and luaopen_sockethttp in the same DLL. Is this so,
> Currently there is no "obvious" way. One solution is to have a main
> entry point, which must be required first, that uses PRELOAD to register
> the other entry points. Another solution is to have little Lua stubs
> that use loadlib to call the other entry points.

If I may describe what I am trying to achieve.
Using a Lua script we convert binary Lua code to WIndows resources and
place these resources in DLLs. (See
The 5.1 CPATH scheme is almost perfect for using resource loaded scripts. 

In development require 'myscript' -- uses myscript.lua

In release require 'myscript' -- loads myscript.dll , the dll simply
loads and executes
the script from a windows resource.

A different DLL for each module script is not so good.  I will reread the spec. 
and code on PRELOAD.