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On Wednesday 15 December 2004 4:50 pm, André Carregal wrote:
> CGILua Version 5.0 Beta has just been released with:
>     * New ISAPI and Servlet Launchers.
>     * New Error Handling features.
>     * New persistent data feature (Stable).
>     * Uses the package proposal for Lua 5.1
>     * Simpler User Session API.
>     * Small bug corrections

looks great!

and i've just noticed that cgilua.addscripthandler() could do what i asked 
about 'url functions'.  i'll just add a new extension type 
(.rpc, .lpc, .lf ?) to call a function from a table instead of loading a 
script from disk.

this and the new Stable facility are all i need!  (now, if i could just get 
some extra waking hours each day...)


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