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Presuming that you have built liblua.lib and liblualib.lib and you are using
the IDE

add both of the libraries to the object/modules list under the
"settings/link" tab

also add
the directory name where these libraries exist to the "additional library path"

The wiki contains prebuilt binaries and DSPs for building under windows.

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 21:24:57 -0700, Michael Newberry
<> wrote:
> I can't seem to get luac to link under VC6 SP5 on Windows XP. There are 10
> unresolved external functions. Here are two of them:
>     void __cdecl lua_close(struct lua_State *)
>     void __cdecl luaU_print(struct Proto const *)
> But I have the lualib.lib in the path. Maybe I'm, just tired, but it seems
> like there is something I am missing.
> ideas?
> Michael