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  Actually i have just finished coding a small and
single-exe "webserver", with cgi and spl. embedded lua
cgi running on windows. i was starting to code a
embedded lua scripting intermixed with html (like
non-cgi php). At that time i saw your lumikki. i
thought it will save the duplicacy of efforts, hence i
wanted to integrate it into it. but the problem is
that i want to integrate directly into .exe itself. No
external lumkki file dependency(as i want to keep
webserver executable very simple ). But i fear GPL
itself spreading to my project in that case. I will
keep your credits into my CREDITS file for the lumkki
module, as is done in my projects and will clearly
state that only that module is governed by say
BSD-or-whatever-license, but i dont want the GPL
thing. in that case i will prefer reinventing the
bye :-)

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