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  Is the using of longjump always correct?
  For example consider the following samples:

  int testi(int i) {
    return !i;

  int error(lua_State *L) {
      lua_pushstring(L, "some error");

  int some_func1(lua_State *L) {
      int i;
      int j = error(L);
      int k;
      // some other code here

  int some_func2(lua_State *L) {
      int i;
      int j;
      int k;

      j = error(L);
      // some other code here

  int some_func2(lua_State *L) {
      int i;
      int j;
      int k;

      // some other code here

  int some_func2(lua_State *L) {
      int i;
      int j;
      int k;

      return testi(error(L));

  Is it correct? Can this code somehow corrupt the stack?
 Antero Vipunen