Hey, this is fun.. :) -- Bug hunt! -- local tbl= { 'a','b',nil,'c' } print( table.getn(tbl) ) -- 4 (w1) / 2 (w0) tbl[4]= nil print( table.getn(tbl) ) -- 2 tbl[5]= { 'more..' } print( table.getn(tbl) ) -- 2 tbl[4]= nil print( table.getn(tbl) ) -- 2 tbl[5]= nil print( table.getn(tbl) ) -- 2Seems the semantics are like.. *guessing* if the 'nil's are there in the _first place_, they count. If they arrive later, due to dynamic changes, they don't. If this is the case, why bother with 'table.getn' at all? Just use 'random'!
-ak 2.9.2004 kello 15:12, Adam D. Moss kirjoitti: Adam D. Moss wrote:
Oh, sorry, I misread your code a bit. What I mentioned would explain the 2,nil thing but perhaps not the (n>0 and (not tbl[n])) thing (unless tbl[n] was boolean false).Gah, third try. Don't mind me, it was a heavy night last night... I do see your main point, that the getn() of an apparently-empty table is !0. I wonder if this is related to the very few cases where Lua makes a distiction between table indices that are truly empty and table indices that have had nil explicitly assigned to them. --Adam