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For that technique, you could probably use lua_rawequal.

Another variant if you can come up with a void* to identify the type is
something like the following:

    void* checkudata_udkey( lua_State* L, int index, void* udkey )
        if( !lua_getmetatable( L, index ) )
            return NULL;
        lua_pushlightuserdata( L, udkey );      /* ( ... mt udkey )
        lua_rawget( L, -2 );                    /* ( ... mt mt[ udkey ] )
        if( !lua_toboolean( L, -1 ) ) {
            lua_pop( L, 2 );
            return NULL;
        lua_pop( L, 2 );
        return lua_touserdata( L, index );

This needs versions of the other udata routines as well.

Arguably, this should really be called toudata_udkey and the check version
should throw.

What's more, this version is friendly toward inheritance since we just need
to mark the metatable with every type it belongs to.


on 8/26/04 2:23 PM, Shannon Stewman at wrote:

> Hello all,
> After profiling some C extensions I had written, I noticed that many
> of my fast routines spent an enormous percentage of time (60% or more)
> calling luaL_checkudata, and most of that was spent in its strcmp call.
> I wrote a faster routine that works on pointers, and should work for
> both userdata and tables.
> Is there are problem using this technique, assuming the metatables I'm
> comparing are allocated in a library's luaopen_XXX function and only
> freed on a lua_close() call?
> void* fastcheckudata( lua_State* L, int index, const char* id)
> {
> lua_getmetatable(L,index);
> const void* p1 = lua_topointer(L,-1);
> luaL_getmetatable(L,id);
> const void* p2 = lua_topointer(L,-1);
> lua_pop(L,2);
> return p1 == p2 ? lua_touserdata(L, index) : NULL;
> }
> Best,