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On 18-Aug-04, at 7:01 AM, David Given wrote:

Unfortunately, multiple returns from a function are only concatenated to the list if the function is the *last* thing on the list. If it's somewhere in
the middle of the list, only the first item is added.


Are there any workarounds I can use to fix this? I can have fn() return a table, in which case the table gets added to the list, but it's still added as a single item where I actually want the contents of the item instead...

Perhaps you should flatten the table afterwards, if the objects are not themselves tables.

Otherwise, you could use a metamethod:

  local meta = {}
  function meta:__add(more)
    for i = 1, table.getn(more) do table.insert(self, more[i]) end
    return self

  function list(t)
    return setmetatable(t or {}, meta)
-- example
function several(str, count)
  local rv = {}
for i = 1, count do table.insert(rv, string.format("%s%i", str, i)) end
  return unpack(rv)
> return unpack(list{1, 2, 3}+{several("foo", 7)}+{4, 5, 6})
1 2 3 foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4 foo5 foo6 foo7 4 5 6