I don't think we're talking real OSes for LuaCHIP at all.. First of
all, it doesn't (really) need one, second Lua actually _is_ (can be
conceived as) the OS.
10.8.2004 kello 21:38, Joseph Stewart kirjoitti:
No concern on the lua-front. If one wanted to run a non-ucLinux on it,
there'd be a problem, though...
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 21:32:26 +0300, Asko Kauppi <asko.kauppi@sci.fi>
hmm.. Why would that be a concern?
10.8.2004 kello 21:26, Joseph Stewart kirjoitti:
Keep in mind the LPC2106 has no MMU. For my toying around this isn't
an issue.