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Mike Pall wrote:

> Ok, setmetatable() does not work on userdata objects. But you can change
> the contents of the metatable itself:
> u = any_userdata_constructor()
> getmetatable(u).__gc = nil      -- Ouch!
> u = nil
> collectgarbage()
> This will lead to resource depletion in the best case (e.g. lost file
> handles) and to memory corruption in the worst case (there may be
> dangling backreferences to userdata memory).
> The current approach is *not* safe unless you deny the sandbox access to
> getmetatable() or use a wrapper. But then you might as well protect
> setmetatable(), too. I think the setmetatable() pseudo-safeguard provides
> a false sense of security.

But you can protect the real metatable from user by setting
the __metatable field in it. The protection mechanism
seems ok to me.
