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Mark Hamburg wrote:

on 7/25/04 2:16 PM, Vincent Penne at wrote:

Here is the code that do what I suggest :

void *luaL_checkudata_ref(lua_State *L, int ud, int ref, char *msg)
void *u;
if (lua_getmetatable(L, ud)) && (lua_getref(L, ref), 1) &&
   lua_rawequal(L, -1, -2) &&
   (u = lua_touserdata(L, ud))) {
 lua_pop(L, 2);
 return u;
luaL_argerror(L, 0, msg); /* Never returns. */
return NULL;

The only problem with this code is that if you create multiple Lua universes
-- i.e., independent Lua states as opposed to multiple Lua threads -- then
you can't rely on sharing a C global for the ref to the metatable.

Actually, what I do is put all the references not into global variables but into a C structure. And I instantiate one of these C binding structure for each lua state. Then to get that C binding structure, I can either store it as upvalue of my function, either have a function that map from a lua state adress to the binding structure. It is one of the case where light userdata are very handy actually ! When you use them as upvalue it's completely safe.

One other approach would be to assume that you could use location 1 in the
metatable and do a lua_rawgeti to fetch it and test that it held an
appropriate userdata value.


void *luaL_checkudata_ud1 (lua_State *L, int ud, void *tident, char *msg)
   void *u = lua_touserdata(L, ud);
   if( u && lua_getmetatable(L, ud) ) {
       lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 1);
       if( lua_touserdata(L, -1) == tident ) {
           lua_pop(L, 2); /* Restore stack before fetching */
           return u;
   luaL_argerror(L, ud, msg);
   return NULL;

That's an idea ! I'm going to test that and see how it performs compared to the other method.

However, what I do in my binding (it is automatically generated) is a bit more complicated because it's a C++ binding, and I have to take care of type casting. My functions need to check the type in a more complex way because they can accept the base type or any of it's derivated type.

To do that, I construct a table of compatible type for each type. I store a reference on these compatible type table and try to index it with the metatable of the actual argument of the function, if the result is not nil then I know the type I received as input is compatible. Here is how my function looks like :

The lua_type_t structure comes from a superstructure (my binding structure) containing one of this lua_type_t object for each existing type, and the binding structure as been stored as upvalue for example.

static void * _lua_to_class(lua_State * __S__, int pos, lua_type_t * wanted_type)
 int iscompat;
#if 1 /* this part can be ifdefed out, but it's faster to check the special case where wanted type is exactly the given type */
 if (!lua_getmetatable(__S__, pos)) {
   return 0;
 lua_getref(__S__, wanted_type->metatable);
 iscompat = lua_rawequal(__S__, -1, -2);
 lua_pop(__S__, 2);

 if (iscompat) {
   return *(void * *)lua_touserdata(__S__, pos);
 } else
 { /* from now on we check it is a compatible (derivated) type */
lua_getref(__S__, wanted_type->cttable); /* get the compatible type table */
   lua_getmetatable(__S__, pos);
lua_gettable(__S__, -2); /* try to get cttable[metatable] */
   iscompat = !lua_isnil(__S__, -1);
   lua_pop(__S__, 2);
   if (iscompat)
     return *(void * *)lua_touserdata(__S__, pos);
/*     printf("bind-lua : could not cast from %s to %s !\n",  */
/*        tn, wanted_type->name); */
   return 0;