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Hi Markus,

wrap your call to Script witch the pcall or xpcall functions
from the base library. A look at chapters 8.4 and 8.5 of
Programming in Lua might also be usefull.


> With this example the finalisation runs perfect as long as no error
> occured. <file> is the main programm and if Script() ends then the
> function Finalise() is called. But how can I fetch errors so that:
> 1. the original error is documentated in the error logs
>    as good as standard behaviour (traceback)
> 2. Finalise() is called
>    domcument errors now like Lua original
> 3. end
>    function Finalise()
> --    do something
>    end
>    do
>       local Script,Error=loadfile(<file>)
>       if Script then
>          Script()
>          Finalise()
>       else
>          io.write(Error)
>       end
>    end
> --
> Markus

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Virus checked by G DATA AntiVirusKit
Version: AVK 14.0.1390 from 12.07.2004
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