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> "<num> ^ <num>" needs "__pow"

We hate that. Any suggestions? (The point is: we don't want to use pow
inside the core, because then we would need the math library to compile
it. Maybe store it in the registry??)

> "for .. in <table>" (old style) needs "next"

That use is deprecated.

> "ipairs" needs "ipairs"
> "pairs" needs "next"

Both will use private functions.

> "print" needs "tostring"

The idea here is that, if you change tostring, print could use the new
version. But maybe the "correct" way would be using __tostring?

> "require" needs "LUA_PATH" and "_LOADED"

LUA_PATH is optional.  _LOADED is used "read-only", so require could
keep a private reference to it?

-- Roberto