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>  Wed, 16 Jun 2004 22:14:23 -0400
>  Jadek <> wrote:
>  I'm using it in a game engine with lua 5.0 and it works fine, if you take 
>  into account that
>  the docs are still for version 3.2.  However, I may end up tweaking the 
>  code a bit to
>  support some more advanced features that I'm looking for. 

Hi,  so did  I. I  need some  bells and  whistles in  order  to handle
refconted object well  under GC. Otherwise, I am  quite satisfied with
tolua,  I also make  use of  the object  system behind  it. It  is not
documented so well, but sometimes_i have some feeling how to use it.

I have  one suggestion to  Waldemar: you seem  to make updates  to the
tolua distro  without giving them a  release number. This  can lead to
confusion,  because it might  happen that  new releases  introduce new
bugs suddenly causing problems for some users.
