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> Since Lua allows multiple return values,
> you can always just use the idiom:
> a = f(a)

The case at hand is a multivariate optimization problem (and several similar
a = f(a)
is not a valid solution, as it does not allow the creation of a function
that performs the optimization in a general fashion.

Consider the following

function Optimize(f, v, min, max) do
   -- f is the function to be optimized (minimized)
   -- v is the variable quantity, i.e. the position
   --   along the "search" axis
   -- min is a lower boundary for v
   -- max is an upper boundary for v

Note that f is not passed any arguments by Optimize as Optimize should have
no dependence on the number of parameters upon which f operates nor upon
which parameter is currently being operated upon.  So f will operate either
on globals or on member variables of an object.

Anyone who thinks that a function such as Optimize should be re-implemented
for every object(or class) of which a target function "f" is a member needs
to look up the term "generic programming" and buy a book on it.

As I stated before my colleague is currently "passing by name" when passing
by reference is called for.  This means that all functions (such as
"Optimize" above) must accept a table/userdata and the NAME of the variable
quantity.  This allows an operation such as....

v = v + delta

can be written as...

tbl[v] = tbl[v] + delta

Frankly he's just tired of having to write extra code because Lua is missing
a key feature of almost all popular programming languages (i.e. the ability
to pass by reference).