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The Kepler Project has released the third alpha of CGILua 5.0 (alpha 2 was
not officially distributed).

This new release corrects some bugs and adds new improvements:

	- documentation
	- new directory iterator (libdir now is libfilesystem)
	- sandbox now is virtual environment
	- Apache module can create Lua State per child (to use with processes)
	  or per request (to use with threads)
	- LuaHandler now works within Directory directives
Bug fixes:
	- correction on ap.rputs (cgilua.put): only last argument was processed
	- Makefile does not work on FreeBSD
	- correction on HTTP_Response.redirect function on cgi launcher
	- correction on require (loadlib now works)
	- correction on cgi table field
	- correction on dofile for persistent environments

More details can be found at
Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Tomas Guisasola