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Jasmin Patry wrote:
Here is a comparison of the new and old behaviours:

Old luaL_setn(t, n):
  if t.n is a number >= 0, set t.n = n
  else set sizes[t] = n

New luaL_setn(t, n):
  set sizes[t] = n

I hadn't noticed this... I like it MUCH better! :)

Old luaL_getn(t, n):
  if t.n is a number >=0, return n
  else if sizes[t] is a number >=0, return sizes[t]
  else count the elements.

New luaL_getn(t, n):
  if sizes[t] is a number >=0, return sizes[t]
  else if t.n is a number >=0, return n
  else count the elements.

I'd rather the t.n part just went away completely, personally.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   co:3